Pre-JazzFest Poll

Who will be the hero of what has been called the Most Important JazzFest Ever? The Big Easy took the Mardi Gras crown. But if the city’s politicians — and the Saints — don’t get their acts together (see Kimberly Williamson post, and why in the hell are we looking to trade Stallworth and D. Smith?), New Orleans will have a hard time repeating.

Matt was phat at M.G., and is the early favorite. Can Marnie live up to her billing? So sweet on the outside, but, kids, don’t let her fool you, she once filled a cursin’ jar.

Kent … well … he’ll likely get hurt upon arrival. But Leslie, on the other hand, has been full of spunk recently. A strong performance is anticipated for this career underachiever.

And don’t count out Susan. She’ll rock and drink margarita wine coolers with the best of them.

Stay tuned.

9 thoughts on “Pre-JazzFest Poll”

  1. my mom was doing jello shots at 11am last year. she tried all of the flavors. she’s getting to be a veteran. three years in a row.

  2. Oh please write the check. I am in need of a vacation and Paul has not been around to contribute his fair share.

  3. Marnie—I hate to break this to you—but Paul’s probably not ever going to pay his tab.

  4. Amber, I have dealt with 4th grade potty mouths all day today and I am just about ready to go over the wall. I don’t even have a cuss jar in my office, but that may be my next addition.

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