The First Raquetball Game

Dave crapped out so Kent and I went to play raquetball. Amazingly, Kent didn’t get hurt and the little raquetball doesn’t hurt as much as you think it would when it hits you.

At first, I was a bit wary of this ball flying about and you’re never really sure where it’s going to land… and the court echos every sound so Kent and I spent the first half hour saying, ‘What did you say?”. But in the end, I wasn’t that bad.

We kept score a bit (and I believe that Kent is beginning to adopt Dave’s way of giving my point to himself, but you just have to keep score as well)… and when they LIE TO YOU say, “I can’t hear you, what did you say?” Then they get embarrassed about LYING TO YOU and correct themselves.

All in all, a good first try. Different from tennis but I’m pretty good at hitting the ball with accuracy. I gave about 85% considering the majority of the game I was swinging my head around making sure I didn’t get hit with the raquet or the ball.
See you on the court Dave. I’m bringing a score pad.

5 thoughts on “The First Raquetball Game”

  1. Complete and total misrepresentation. I am disgusted that someone could even begin to dream that I play in the same style as Dave. Disgusted.

  2. I took several balls in the head when I played last month, and I am here to tell everyone it does so hurt. I cried every time.

  3. I was hit flush in the head last night and never said a word. Also, I am willing to do anything possible to correct this image that I’m a bad sport. Just because I care and am competitive does not make me a bad sport. I am overly fair and only argue calls that I truely believe are correct. In proof, several times I have corrected Kent even when it has cost me a point.

    Furthermore, Leslie you have absolutely no chance against me.

  4. One time Dave and I played a 3-on-3 tournament in New Orleans. He was such a good sport that he got punched in the face.

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