4 thoughts on “Kimberly Williamson Butler, part 2”

  1. Kent, Why all the fascination with this woman? Is it just that she’s got a website? Or, is she a front runner or something? Don’t get me wrong, after all the attention this got, this seems like a fairly hilarious solution. . .

    I haven’t been following the NO mayoral race — other than every once in a while something on CNN about whether they should even hold the election at all — but, don’t crazy people run for public office all the time?

    In 1992, a crazy woman who just happened to share the name of a well-known psychic got the Dem party nomination for sec’y of state in WA — and pulled in something like 40% of the vote in the general election. She didn’t campaign and didn’t raise money. Did I mention that she was nuts? And, a convicted felon? Only time I ever voted for a Republican . . . Washington also has a guy that officially changed his name so that he could appear on the ballot as “Mike the Mover.”

  2. No, she’s pretty far from being the front-runner, but she is/has been part of City Hall for awhile, as the City Clerk. She is a name in the city, and will certainly get a lot more votes than the guy with the cardboard signs that say “VOTE FOR QUENTIN B. 4 MAYER!”

    I don’t think she’s crazy. She’s just a criminal running for mayor. Her intention is to steal from the city coffers. The website is more of a confirmation of that than anything.

  3. Vote for Quentin B. Spelling isn’t really a major asset in city management.

    The summer before I moved in with Leah, I lived in a boarding house near the UW. One of the other boarders was a bike messenger named Troy who was running for city council against one of the members of the Microsoft Mafia that runs Seattle. This will sound weird, but he had the prettiest hair of any man I’ve ever met.

    He was leading a crusade against the “anti-bike cartel” in city hall. Sometimes he would corner me in the kitchen and actually froth at the mouth during some of his rants about how “they” were out to get him. He swore to me that his opponent had people following him while he worked. Even taking in to account he was a bike messenger, he was one of the weirdest people I’d ever met.

    Troy raised about $1,500 for his campaign, which impressed me . . . so I voted for him. I may have been one of like 300 people who did. However, considering his opponent had over $1.5 million in her campaign war chest and Troy was her only opposition, he didn’t stand a chance.

    It’s too bad that this race actually means something, this Quentin B. guy sounds like he’d at least be entertaining.

  4. There was a NO news report I heard that said that the Disney lawyers were looking in to the unauthorized use of their facility as a background for a commercial use.
    Anyway, I went through election commissioner training and she seemed to be a fairly intelligent speaker, but going to jail for contempt of court and then comparing herself to ML King, Ghandi, et al is a bit much even for NO. The nationally televised “debate” did not produce many memorable moments except for the “name names” of the corrupt politicians addressed to the ding dong Peggy Wilson (of a ‘tax free city’ notoriety). She did mention the previous mayor, Marc Morial, who has mangaged to be absent from the city. Wise move as the feds are busting all his buds, even breaking in to his brothers house at 7 AM.

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