Happy Birthday Grant!

Sorry I missed posting this on the actual day, I was rocking West Chester, Pennsylvania.

I back-dated it.

Thank goodness we don’t have to look at Koster’s Pantera album anymore.

21 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Grant!”

  1. instead of screwing up time-space with your back dating non-sense. just use the word belated.

    you’re already a bad brother for not doing it the day of… what? they don’t have an internet in west chester?

  2. i can’t figure out how to start a new post / thread and it makes me sad.

    i was going to ask when one of you knows that it’s time to move on to a new job.
    because of an incident that really is part of a bigger problem, it’s led me to be unsatisfied and joyless at my job.

  3. john, the only time I do that is when I have a better job waiting on me. But I am a huge nerd in that department. I always feel like I once I become unemployed, I will never find a job again.

  4. i have a job that is pretty much lined up.

    here’s the long and short of it. my boss put me on salary and there is hopes of becoming a partner one day. lot of blood and sweat put in by me taking care of everything under the sun. covering everyone, bills. blah blah.

    the other day he get’s p.o.’ed about something really stupid… i was sick, had taken half a day off. still wasn’t 100% but came to work. … basically he treated me like “just an employee” and sort of threw in my face how i was on salary and still didn’t finish one little thing …. someone else was supposed to do it but didn’t show… i knew the boss was coming back and i left to run an errand that he wanted.

    basically i’m upset that he got mad about something so inane. he’s always questioning me about dumb little things that make no sense sometimes. he’s a bit out of touch with some of the things going on so he over compensates by being overbearing. it was alway like we were more friends than employee / employer

    i get paid pretty well, but i almost walked out the other day, and now with this job waiting on an answer (they want to know by tommorrow) i’m just in a quandry

  5. This is the first time i’ve heard you complain about your boss like this. you always seemed to love that job.

  6. yup. usually i do. but the way he reacted the other day really got me upset.
    i mean, he’s a bit of a b.s. artist and all… but it made me think that i’m just one more person he’s “playing”

  7. pretty much equal. the other job would actually be with the company that Illy works for already.

    she’d be books and i’d be catering manager

    it would def be a lot less hustle … slightly less money but nothing significant.
    besides, i’m going to make a big push with poker in the next 6-9 months and try to supplement my income with my outstanding play. all modesty aside.

  8. I think you should tell your boss what you are feeling and that you have another offer you are considering. If he steps up and realizes that he can’t abuse you then stay. If he freaks out, leave his ass. Most bosses don’t have a clue what is going on with their employees/partners so it is up to you to tell him you are unhappy.

    These golden words are probably too late so my next nugget is:

    You and Illy should start your own business: Jugs and Knockers

  9. i’m not sure i want to mention the other offer since it;s kinda my ace in the hole.

    but quitting would be almost like breaking up with someone since i’m so ingrained in the business. i don’t know.

    the problem is, I don’t know what will make me happy again. I mean, I can tell him and he can say don’t worry. but what if he acts stupid again… then i’m stuck

    your other idea sounds great, but i don’t know what jugs and knockers would do. make videos? are you telling me you’d buy a video of me and Illy doin’ it? that’s a little creepy…. unless you’re talking trade. oh wait, now i sound creepy. this really is more of buzz’s territory.

  10. Happy Birthday Grant! Do you want John and Illy to make a video for you about Jugs? I DO! BIG GAY JUGS AND THUGS BIRTHDAY TO GRANTY!!! (bad brotther, kent…bad, bad brother).

  11. Yeah…happy birthday grant. Hope all Paul’s birthday wishes for you come true. No wonder he never wants to hang out with us.

    John, it sounds like you are in business with a dick. You don’t do well with dicks. Remember when you punched out that guy at the movie place who wouldn’t take a credit card? Find a place where they less dicky, and go there.

    Kent, please enable John to author crap. John please don’t write about poker.

  12. I don’t know anything other than John is all captain bringdown in a birthday post.

    Happy birthday Grant! I don’t know you but you were a good Civil War general and thats good enough in my book.

  13. Thank you everybody for your birthday wishes. Paul, I’m not quite sure what Big Gay Jugs and Thugs are…. but it sounds great! Kent & Leslie, thank you again – I got your card in the mail the other day.

  14. One more thing then I’ll let this mis-guided post lie. How can the job offer be your ace in the hole, if you don’t use it as leverage with your current boss. I guess I don’t know what ace in the hole means. Paul knows what ass in the hole means but I digress…Jugs and knockers is actually not available because I own the website but I’m sure you can think of something close like balls and slongs or nipples and poodles. I’m taking suggestions on what I should put on http://www.jugsandknockers.com. Any suggestions?

  15. I just realised, I posted all over this thread in the weird directions it took, but I didn’t actually wish Grant a happy birthday. How rude! Happy birthday!

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