Marnie brought up a good question: Who IS Jimmy Valentine?

A trickster
Eddie Haskel
Stephan Jenkins of Third Eye Blind
Sara Tierney’s nemesis
A lover of all the gays
A brother to all the Chocolate Citians
The vanilla ice in a chocolate yoo-hoo
Tony Clifton
The Pizzacutter
A midnight toker

3 thoughts on “Marnie brought up a good question: Who IS Jimmy Valentine?”

  1. Well, I think Amber’s assesment is pretty good. Though I’m not sure what would make me a trickster. I’d say I’m more of a bad teaser. Am I a trickster? And I know why you say I’m the Third Eye blind, but for the record, I don’t like that band, and I don’t do cocaine.
    Most of all I wouldn’t say I’m Teirn’s nemesis. Teirn’s one of my best buddies. She might be one of my favorites to tease, but it’s only out of love.

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