A sad day.

I must say first and foremost, this has nothing to do with not having been picked yet for a team (even though I was one of the first Mardi Gras players ever assembled), it has nothing to do with the killer bees, and it has nothing to do with the fear of actually painting a barbeque pit pink without somehow/possibly poisoning the meat. I am sad to say that I have just been hired at a coffee shop here in Austin, and I regretfully hand in my resignation for Mardi Gras 2007, New Orleans, La. I feel no shame in this, only the pressing fact that I must continue to strive and make money so that I can support my cross-dressing career that I have chosen for myself. I hope that the buzzards can understand this situation and accept my heartfelt regret. Peace and safety be with you all on your journey to the land of beads, boobs, booze and bee’s.

7 thoughts on “A sad day.”

  1. I will have to wait one more year for my pink BBQ grill…oh well….I can handle disappointment, but I will miss seeing you more that anything.

  2. Paul … Don’t be an idiot. Tell your new employer that you already have a ticket to come to Mardi Gras and take two or three days off. How often do we all get together? Not nearly enough. Don’t be an idiot.

  3. David, You better watch out how you talk to Paul. Marnie reads this site alot and you don’t want to be on her bad side for calling Paul and idiot. Just be real careful.

    Paul come on down. The biggest party only comes around once a year.

  4. Sorry Suze … I just don’t have much patience for friends that balk on Mardi Gras. Being with my dearest friends during that week is the No. 1 thing I look forward to every year. I’m sorry some people don’t feel the same way.

    You only live once, right?

    “Do you realize everyone you know someday will die?”

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