The perils of procrastination

I have an exam on Tuesday. A Microsoft software architecture exam. I took the previous version of this in 2001, and didn’t have any problems, I have to take the updated one now to maintain a certification.

I booked it about 4 weeks ago, and have been putting off studying since then, thinking I’d do it closer to the exam. Now it’s a few days away, and I woke up this morning with a stinking head cold. Uh oh. There goes the study this weekend as planned.

Procrastination is a killer, folks.

Isn’t it ironic

dontcha think?

Pretty ironic that this time of year, I’m usually more immersed in US culture than usual due to football, yet this is the time of year for the past 3 years where my hopes and chances of moving to the US have been at their lowest point.

And this year, it’s the lowest point yet. My chances of obtaining a visa to legally live and work in the US are virtually nil for the forseeable future. The US immigration system is utterly broken for people wanting to play by the rules. No-one wants to fix it because it’s presumably deemed a political minefield.

Continue reading Isn’t it ironic

We’re all going to the zoo tomorrow

Assuming the Great British Weather doesn’t decide to throw down the rain all day, we’ve decided to all go to the zoo tomorrow. We’ve recently bought a new car, one of these (not brand new, I’m not made of money! It’s 4 years old) and haven’t had an opportunity to load up for a family day out yet. Anyhow, I thought I’d do a little scouting around and see which zoo we might go to, and how much it’s gonna be to get in.

Looks like it’s going to be around 40 quid for all of us (2 adults, 2 kids) to get in. Throw in some food, drinks, couple of toys for the kids at the gift shop and it’ll probably be around 60 quid all told. That’s not counting petrol (gas for you American speakers) – nearest zoo is about 40 miles away, which is probably about another tenner. Reckon on about 70-80 quid for a day out at the zoo.

This country sucks. Sooooo damned expensive.

One, two…..zis on?

Well, I have the dubious honour of posting capabilities, so here it is. From waaaaay over the Atlantic, I’m here to tell you….I just accidentally squashed chocolate down my T-shirt. It seems the kids were at my desk earlier playing on the computer, and left some chocolate crumbs on the desk. I’ve been squished against the edge of my desk for the past couple of hours playing DAOC. pulled back and noticed melted chocolate everywhere. Another T-shirt for the wash. I’m going through loads this week. It seems I put one on clean, and about 3 hours later I’m taking it off because I/the kids/the cat spilled something/put dirty hands/wiped dirty paws on me.

This week is the first time I’ve played DAOC for about 2 years. My how everything is changed, and yet remains the same. Loads of new graphical bits, spells and stuff – but the same old childish chat in the battleground /cg, lol.

I don’t know if I’ll stick around past the 10 days free play – there’s no-one left I know, and I really don’t have the time or commitment to find a new guild, etc. Surprised to see the MT guild house still there, but I hear it’s going to decay soon. I can’t pay the rent because I don’t have permission!