10 thoughts on “Happy birthday Chelsey!”

  1. To the woman who tamed the wild beast of Brent Koster…that ravenous, sexual appetite…that lust for all things potato…those calves of gladiator’s proportions….I salute you and wish you a wonderful and happy birthday. If Dave sends you a dress, make sure it’s washed because he likes to wear the dresses he buys his lady-friends before giving them to him….so I’ve heard. Some sort of sexual fetish or something. Kisses Queen of the Buttercups! Happy Birthday.

  2. Happy birthday Chelsey. Being married to you is like having a hammer with a screwdriver attached to the back.

  3. BK, you’re so romantic, it’s no wonder she was swept off her feet.

    tell the truth. you put something in her coffee every morning just to keep her from leaving, don’t you?

  4. see, chuck knows what’s up.
    my man.
    the chuckster.
    chuck-a chuck-a burnin luv
    keep on chuckin

    you get the picture. (i gots more if not)

    by the way, I don’t think I mentioned… i did end up quitting my old job and now I’m working with Ileana as the catering manager there.
    we love working together and I’m not sick of her yet

  5. Now if that is not love, I don’t know what is.


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