I’m off to France tomorrow.

I’ll be visiting the site of the US landings at Omaha beach, and this place:


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4 thoughts on “I’m off to France tomorrow.”

  1. Are you going to parachute in? If so, I hope some kindly French country folk put you up, and give you wine and butter.

  2. We had a good time. It’s hard to imagine the scale of the cemetery without visiting it. Over 9 thousand white crosses all in perfect lines. That’s only a fraction of the soldiers killed during the liberation of France, too. The place is immaculately kept and tended.

    We walked down to the beach from the cemetery, and you can see just why so many lost their lives that day. From the shoreline, which is very flat, you can’t make out anything on the top of the incline at the back of the beach. From the top of the beach – perfect view down and across all the way. No wonder so many died before they got out of the boats.

    There are more museums and memorials in that part of France than you could possibly visit unless you had like a week or something. Everywhere you go there are American, British and Canadian flags.

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