Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary of the Federal Flood, everyone.

Find something made by the federal government and dump a cup of water on it.

5 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary”

  1. I will be putting a hose in a mailbox later today. Then I will fly over the mailbox. Then I will say that I was not aware that there were still people at the convention center of the mailbox several days later. Despite the fact it’s all over CNN.

  2. There were several rememberances all around the city today. I went to the one at the 17th St. Canal this morning. Very low key, but well planned and attended. The impression was one of “Some of us are back, struggling, with not much help from the government, but with overwhelming volunteer and self-help. We’re here to stay, but it is now a marathon rather than a sprint.” The breached floodwall has been repaired, but most of the houses in our neighborhood (Lakeview) are still lifeless (not good) or demolished (better). Maybe 15-20% are back. Mine is coming along, but slowly. And I’ve got several more neighbors. We’re planning a block party 9/16. So life is good. (As compared to the alternative) Anyway, keep those good thoughts coming. Thanks.

  3. I’m going to light a bag of poop on the steps of the Capital here in Austin, and then pour dirty water over it and say….’Hey, I had the kindness to save the poop Mr. Capital…who did you save two years ago when all knew what was going on but you?” Then I will woo the security guard with my feminine charm and not be hauled off to the paddy wagon. Happy Anniversary Katrina Kids…see ya this weekend!

  4. *sigh*

    I miss you buzzards. :\

    Here’s hoping all of you, and those you are care about are recovering from last year.

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