Look At These Birds!



Chelsey and I just bought these badass birds. The blue one is named Harry, and the Green one is Louise. They enjoy sitting on their perch, chewing nervously, and quietly distancing themselves from their owners. Every time we get close they take a few steps away. Yesterday Harry kept walking to the very back of his cage, desperate to get away from us.

Hopefully this will change soon. Chelsey is making us both lifelike bird costumes to help bridge the human/bird gap.

36 thoughts on “Look At These Birds!”

  1. These birds are extremely clean. We dipped each in bleach before we put it in the cage.

  2. I don’t understand this “birds are dirty” theory. Someone please tell me… how are they “dirty”?

  3. It’s the pooping wherever and cleaning themselves with dirt and dust. And the bird flu.

    For me, they just look like dirty animals. I can’t look at a bird and not see a pigeon, which are rats with wings.

    But then again, I own cats, which spend 20% of the day licking their own asses.

  4. The blue one looks just like Blueboy that I had when I was a little girl. He had something wrong with his foot, but he could really sing. I had two other one name Bimbo–very sweet–nad Pete—very mean. I don’t blame the birds for not liking you after you dipped them in bleach. Poor things!!!!!!!!!

  5. You can never be too careful, Marnie.

    Kent, our birds are way better than rats. They are very cute, and when I went home for lunch they did a little tweeting at me. Which was precious.

  6. I agree, birds are far more better than rats. I started with a blue parkeet just like yours and he would sing many song. Then we had a larger bird named Roscoe, he was a cockatoo, with many talents, and so lovable, but the Hurricane got the best of him. Now my goal is to go for the parrot. The y are beautiful.

    Oh, and Kent a birds cage is much easier to clean than a litter box.

  7. Birds will NEVER smell as bad as Cats. Kent, you are right cats are filthy and creepy.

    Good luck with your birds……… They are capable of learning many tricks if you have the time to spend with them. My larger bird that I lost in the Hurricane would always say Hello and would always say his name. Loved to snuggle and be held.

    Bird seed is not enough for them to survive, They love peanut butter on their seeds and make sure you get vitiams for their water.

  8. Wow, such great advice! I told Brent to feed them spinach today. I hope that ours will cuddle with us.

  9. They’re so pretty! And I’m sure, with time, they’ll love you both.

    My dad’s family had a bird and they would let it fly around the house. With the dogs and the cats, it was a fun house. But the bird was a bit of an alcoholic and enjoyed sitting on the rim of a scotch glass and drink. When he was finished he would fly away, well, sort of, and fly into a wall. They would put him back in the cage to sleep it off and he would start binging the next time he got the chance.

    Now we have a cat who drinks martinis… i’m an enabler.

  10. If your birds could talk, what do you think their first words would be?
    I’m hoping for, “Go Saints.”
    But for Chelsey’s sake, maybe something like “Brent, quit farting” would be more appropriate.

  11. My late uncle had one of these birds. It could say, “Becky Becky Becky” and “Johnny Johnny Johnny” His name was Jamoke. He looked like Louise. I think I’m going to paint Jamoke on the back of my brother-in-laws boat, “The Sloop Don G”. I think that these birds are also the type that can learn to talk, and also read minds, and predict the future.

    P.S. why don’t ya’ll check out my blog, or else I’ll post something on elbuzzard that is so R-Rated that Marnie will go into a coma!


  12. Oh, Jimmy Valentine….please don’t think I am a prude. I can get down and dirty with the best of them. Susan, get off ” the bird was lost in the hurricane.” The bird is now flying free and enjoying life and probablly has found someone or some bird to love. We all love our animals…clean or dirty or physcho like Cybill.

  13. Just to set the record straight the bird was set free in horrible conditions, with no hope of survival. Can you imagaine being feed for 17 years and then all of a sudden having to find food on you own after a Hurricane? I am sure he did not survive. Because all they had was rotten food out of people fridge that had sat there for 6 weeks. No one can survive on that. Yes, Marnie, we all loved our animals..

    Believe, Me Jimmy Valentine, Marnie can be down and dirty with the best of them.

  14. Susan,
    If it helps…
    We adopted a bird that a friend of my parents’ found in the woods while working on the railroad. It was the dead of winter in north Mississippi. The vet said he was at least 10 years old and had been free quite some time because he could talk but his speech had reverted back to almost wild bird noises (you could make out some words but not the whole phrase). So, I go with Marnie, your bird is having a grand ol’ time.

  15. I love you Catherine. What a cry baby Susan can be. Did she want the poor thing to die of heat exhaustion in the house….no electricity. It was a beautiful sunny day when he was set free and he never looked back. What a life he has now!!!!!!!!

  16. I’m teasing, Marnie. Really I’m teasing everyone else, because everytime I’ve met you in person, someone takes me aside afterwards and lectures me for talking so candidly in polite company. I remember one time in particular, telling Teirney, “I didn’t say anything against homosexuals, I just said that the whole Teirney family are closet homosexuals. I wasn’t passing judgement.” But just between us, closet homosexuals are kind of sad and creepy. Note: I’m talking about closet cases, living in the proverbial glass closet, not about the out -of-the-closet-into-the-streets, fantabulously flamboyant, homo heroes we see marching half naked in the pride parade. Those guys are cool!

    And speaking of some flamboyantly colored birds. When are we going to see some stuff over here?!

  17. No, “closet homosexuals”, if you must use the phrase, are simply afraid of society’s reaction, and quite rightly so. It’s still bloody scary out there, even if you live somewhere that’s supposedly “liberal”. I don’t blame or judge anyone for not wanting to reveal who they are, even if I think it’s a sad state of affairs that people have to hide themselves away for fear of reaction.

    Why do we have to label people and sexuality? There are many colours in the sexual rainbow. Some are red, some are violet, many are somewhere inbetween. What does it matter what colour you are?

  18. You’re right. I am ashamed of myself. But I still think that if you know a closet case is gay, you should try to publicly out them, MRUNSTOPPABLE!! It’s for your own good, MRUNSTOPPABLE!

  19. How did we go from birds to homosexuals?? Marnie, sounds like you met Jimmy Valentine?

    I am with GREG.

  20. OKAY EVERYBODY I APOLOGIZE! I really feel bad becasue I’m always shooting my mouth off on Elbuzzard. Just tryin’ to rustle the ol’ feathers. You know? Like I’m Mr. Unstoppable and Chunklover83, and you guys are the pretty birds, you know? I feel really bad for calling all the Teirnys closet homosexuals. I don’t really think any of them are gay at all, especially now that Big Teirn’ is married. I feel extra bad that no Teirnys are even on this page to defend their family. That was wrong of me. And I’m sorry to all the people who don’t know me, and who should probably never forgive me for being such a fuckng asshole. I do apologize. I hope I can make it up to you one day. If only there was a website for fukkin’ pervertz like me to go and post smutty dirty talk about my friends. Hmmmm…where would a smut list like that be?

  21. Greg, you are a wise man and I can’t wait to finally meet you. jimmyvalentine, I really don’t remember you….send a picture and money for my “cuss jar.” Paul has left me high and dry. Words are very powerful and once they are out there they cannot be taken back, especially on the Internet. Ruffling feathers is one thing….plucking someone bald is another. Love to all.

  22. Wise? Maybe. Probably not, I do plenty of dumb things. I’d love to meet Leslie, you, Buzz’s dad, the family, one day. I should visit the States. Besides, Kent and I have unfinished darts business to attend to. I need to beat him on US soil as well as UK soil 🙂

  23. I never ceases to amaze me how many comments can be made from just one topic. We are up to 31 on two birds. This is why I love elbuzzard. Thanks for the link to Rebecca. Let’s get that up and running, Paul and Mitch. This has been as much fun as the “Chocolate City” comment.

  24. I love Jamie’s apologies/retractions.

    And the fact that people now think he is a homophobe.

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