Who’s with me?

Doesn’t Kent look like Chandler from Friends? Kent, will you start mimicking Chandler’s stupid mannerism? That would be fun.

14 thoughts on “Who’s with me?”

  1. I’m gonna have to agree with this post. Sorry Kent….sorry that you have to be associated with that horrid show. This will hurt for a while, but you must be strong, be strong for your wife!

  2. I have never once thought that. And I do not see it now. To me, Kent looks like James Spader. End of conversation. Assuming Jame Spader is the guy from Stargate.

  3. I don’t think you look like either of them and you’re way better looking than James Spader.

  4. I’m too fat to be Chandler, but I’ll accept James Spader.

    Also, there is no lying on elbuzzard.com, so let’s not hear anything more about Kent being “better looking” than anyone.

  5. Chandler during his bloated-hooked-on-pills phase. You said to be honest. Could I be any more honest? (That’s something Chandler would say. Practice up Kent)

  6. I don’t find James Spader at all attractive so it’s a relative thing. I didn’t lie.

  7. Hey, Why are y’all being so harsh? After all, he’s still my favorite first son, no matter who he does or doesn’t resemble. (And by the way, It’s Michael Shanks, not Spader). And I finally noticed the modified seal of Louisiana. Boy, am I slow.

  8. Kent was my first friend in New Orleans and I’ll stand by him even if he has a little more to love in the middle (more cushin for the pushin, ah Leslo, eh, eh), or if he pops pills, or does herion or waves his arms around alot. He sports the grandpa look better than any hipster in Williamsburg. Dang.

  9. I just figured out who James Spader is!! Oh, no….I will take the Chandler look-alike. Amber, that was more than a mother wants to hear.

  10. It’s a shame that people will use my own website to drag me through the mud. I’m going to put up a post about how great it is that the Saints signed Kevin Kaesviharn and knock this smear campaign down.

  11. Awww, grandpa has poopy pants. There’s only one poopy in this group. You know we love you!!!! Sorry Marnie, some times I let my potty mouth run free. I’ll reign it in for the peeps.

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