The honour of the USA is at stake

This coming weekend, it is the final game of the Piedmont Potato Cannoneers fantasy football league. I, a humble Brit, have advanced to the final, already leaving a trail of US citizens – born and raised on “football” – in my wake. The sport of American Football is not generally recognised over here. My opponent for this final game is none other than our esteemed host. A man who has all the advantages of being a native to the sport. A man who’s team has been putting up huge points over the last few weeks.

The honour of the USA is in your hands, sir. Make your choices well.  How could you lose against me? You have all the advantages.

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3 thoughts on “The honour of the USA is at stake”

  1. Good luck to you sir, but the colonies have no choice but to stick it to you tea-drinking royalists with the power of St. Reginald.

  2. Well done, good win, your team smacked mine about. I shall have my revenge next season *twirls mustache*

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