I feel safe

I’m pretty sure everyone that knows me knows that I think that banning liquids from planes will not keep us safe and is purely a kneejerk reaction by the government who is more interested in cultivating a culture of fear than in actual passenger safety.

But then I saw this article: Boy boards plane without tickets, and thought of the wonderful possibilities if our government followed this situation to its logical conclusion: BAN CHILDREN FROM AIRPLANES.

Just imagine it.

A liquid-free, child-free flight.

I’d gladly give up my toothpaste and flask of whiskey to not have somebody’s spawn kicking my seat and crying incesantly.

7 thoughts on “I feel safe”

  1. You have to react to potential threats at least in the short term. You have no other option from a political standpoint.

  2. I just want you all to remember this when you have children. I flew many a mile with you boys. I never had anyone complain about your behavior on the plane….you never kicked anyone’s seat or screamed at the top of you lungs. Where are the parents in all of this!!! If children are not taught good behavior, they will not exhibit good behavior. Don’t ban the children from the planes…ban the irresponsible parents.

    Ok I will climb off my soapbox PLUS we have overreacted just a touch with all the liquid stuff. Just ban all carryon bags and get on with this. Then, of course, they will put the stuff in the checked luggage and blow themselves up and everyone else on the plane. Just what is the answer to all this craziness!!!!

    One more and then I promise to go….what about the 12 year old that got on the plane by himself with not boarding pass or ID or nothing!!!! Great security. Don’t we all feel safe.

  3. heheheh, I’m in agreement with your wise mother, Buzz. When we fly with our 2 girls, they don’t shout, cry and scream, they sit quietly and colour with crayons, or we read them stories, or we play games with them. This can be somewhat challenging and exhausting for us – trying to keep 2 young kids happy during a 3 or 4 hour flight, and Sarah and I often exit the plane completely drained, but our children are happy and are well behaved.

    I have seen, during some of the many flights I’ve taken in the past 10 years for business and pleasure, many instances of bored kids acting up whilst the parents ignore them so they can watch whatever crappy film is being shown. These parents should be made somehow to be responsible for the disturbance their offpsring is causing.

    Sometimes though, it’s actual babies that are crying incessantly. This is slightly different in that I suspect the babies can’t help it as maybe the air pressure changes are making them uncomfortable, but the parents are still to blame – I can’t imagine us taking a baby that’s only a few weeks old on a aeroplane – we didn’t fly with our children until they were at least 18 months and are able to communicate in some way so you have a chance of keeping them happy.

  4. I knew I loved you, Greg and I think I have said it before….you are a wonderful dad.

  5. We all have to make sacrifices for national security. We all have to take our shoes off because one guy used a shoe bomb.

    One kid gets on the plane without a ticket, ban all kids.

    Really, it’s for our own good.

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