St. Paul Rules

We arrived in Minneapolis/St. Paul last night and hit the town with Thomas.  Well, we didn’t make it to Minneapolis yet, just kicking it in St. Paul, where apparently all the cool people live.

St. Paul reminds me of Chicago with three quarters of the buildings removed.  Their state capital and cathedral are sites to behold, though.

BJ, Sara, and Paul have just landed and should be here in 15 minutes.  I’m going to slap Paul in the face when he walks in.

5 thoughts on “St. Paul Rules”

  1. You should give your uncle Charles a call. I know you don’t know him from Adam, but it would be cool. His last name is Tillery and he is your Grandpa’s youngest brother.

    Why are you going to slap Paul? Please tell Colleen congrats from me and many years of wedded bliss.

  2. How cold is it up there in summer? I was there in winter, and it was colder than a witch’s womb.

  3. We say a witch’s teat in this country.

    During the day, it was about 88 degrees, at night around 75. That’s Fahrenheit, of course.

  4. If I ever move to the US then I’ll be sure to alter my points of cutural reference accordingly 🙂

    That’s hotter than I expected, even after I convert it to a proper scale.

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