I almost forgot

Happy Bastille Day!

Le Tour Eiffel BastillleLe Tour Eiffel

Right now I’m wishing someone would guillotine my nose for me.

4 thoughts on “I almost forgot”

  1. Ah yes, the real reason for the existance of the US – the French.

    You’ve had the surgery? All go well? Is it 3 or 4 times swollen at the moment?

  2. God bless the French.

    Yes, I had the surgery, it went well, but my nose is hard, swollen, and bleeding. It also has two pieces of plastic stitched into the insides of it.

  3. Ow

    Hope it gets better soon and you have the nose of your dreams. Meanwhile, be sure to milk it for all the sympathy you can get from Leslie.

    You off work for a while or are you working through it?

  4. The surgery was thursday, I took off Friday. I’ll most likely be out on Monday too. The plastic splints come out on Thursday, and I cannot wait.

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