
The discussion about music below reminded me of this site, where your listening can be logged and your top artists and tracks can be charted.

My page is here. You may laugh at my taste now.

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13 thoughts on “Audioscrobbler”

  1. hehehehe, I think the British appreciate the self-depreciating humour he shows – I certainly do.

    I have no idea about the Germans though. I think they actually love him in a proper celebrity rock star way. Those crazy Teutonics.

  2. If it was the zip code of a place like Woburn, Mass or Topeka, KS that wouldn’t make it right. But Salem is always right.

  3. I’m fairly sure that I’ve read a thing or two that indicates that Salem was a tad bit off for a time in the 1690s. Of course, that would predate zip codes by a few years.

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