Happy St. Patrick’s Day

In honor of the secular celebration for the saint, the Archbishop of Atlanta has lifted the Lenten restriction of meat on Fridays.

Frequently the rectories and the Chancery receive calls concerning the issue of abstaining from meat on Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17, especially when it falls on a Friday of Lent. In virtue of canon 1245 of the Code of Canon Law, a priest who possesses diocesan faculties granted by the Diocesan Bishop may dispense in individual cases for a just reason from the observance of both fast and abstinence, or commute these obligations to some other pious activity. This year, however, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory is granting the dispensation to all members of the diocese with the recommendation that Catholics should do some penance in place of their being allowed to eat meat on this Lenten Friday.

Is it just me, or is it odd to celebrate a saint’s feast day by skimping on a Catholic rite? He does say to some other penance in its place, though, to his credit. I don’t ever recall this happening in New Orleans though.

Hope everyone is wearing their green and will down at least one Guinness today.


2 thoughts on “Happy St. Patrick’s Day”

  1. Oh no, this has always been a Catholic tradition. If a saint’s holiday falls on a Friday in Lent you can get a dispensation from abstaining from meat. We “old” Catholics know this loop hole very well.

    Marnie O’Woynowski

  2. Also, here in Omaha, there are many Irish parishes that make a great deal of money off the corn beef hash dinners. So it makes sense for the bishop to give dispensation.

    I would also like to say that it’s awesome because we get to throw around the word “dispensation.”

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