
Hopefully this will help solve the spam problem I was having awhile back.

The Spam Karma 2 plugin is now installed. I’ve turned off the registration requirement for comments, so comment away and let me see what happens.

Spam Karma 2 (SK2) is an anti-spam plugin for the WordPress blogging platform. It is meant to stop all forms of automated Blog spam effortlessly, while remaining as unobtrusive as possible to regular commenters. Spam Karma 2 is the proud successor to Spam Karma, with whom it shares most of the development ideas, but absolutely none of the code.

7 thoughts on “Spam!”

  1. Ew. I didn’t realize how yucky the comment form was when you aren’t logged in. I’ll have to work on that.

  2. You know, I actually like it when folks register, so I can tell who they are, so I’m going to turn back on the requirement.

  3. OK, being an old fart, you left me behind long ago, but as long as I can read and post, all’s right with the world.

  4. Someone else below asked this already about antispam scripts.
    I am getting nailed with Spam on my website mails and in our blog website – now its offline too

    much spam. Is there anyway to stop this? If not, there really isn’t any point in leaving it up

    and active. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for help, Keep up the good work. Greetings from Poland

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