
Oakwood Mall is on fire. Firemen attempting to put it out were fired on from the Westbank Expressway.

Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard ordered the firemen out and will let the Mall burn as a “signal to President Bush.”

Brent Joseph gave me this report today:

Last night, Broussard held a press conference in which he said that apparently the only way to get aid from the US Government was to be a foreign country. So he was seceeding Jefferson Parish from the Union and requesting foreign aid from the neighboring United States.

One thought on “Westbank”

  1. Thanks for the slide show, Kent. Is there anyway you can get a picture of our house or CTK? The address for the school is 2106 Deerfield Rd, Terrytown.

    We are all fine here. The kids loved their new school and can’t wait to go back on Tues.

    We are going to my cousin David’s farm today to show the kids the cows and ride the horses.

    Everyone has been so kind and generous to us. It gets to me after awhile when people are too nice to me. I love you all and can’t wait to see everyone again. That scares me at times because I am so afraid I will loose contact with everyone in Terrytown and might never seen them again. I have know idea where my faculty and students and neighbors are right now. I just hope they are safe.

    Say a prayer for the firemen in Terrytown. They have done such a tremendous job to rescue the living and recover the dead. They seem to be fighing a loosing battle with the looters and I am so afraid that one of these brave men will loose their life.

    Thank you again for keeping everyone posted about where we all have flown to. I love you very much.


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