Haslett, not hurricane, responsible for Saints’ patheticness

For how much longer do Saints fans have to put up with Jim Haslett’s inability to consistently prepare his team? One last year, it appears. Wouldn’t it be nice to make a run at the playoffs before jumping ship to San Antonio? Wouldn’t it be nice NOT to fumble on the opening kick off?
But, as the injuries mount and the mistakes increase, it would be nice to find an allegiance in another team.

After the hurricane, the Saints had the opportunity to go in two different directions:

No. 1 — Play inspired, emotional football, actually getting the most out of their talent and allowing younger players to at least gain experience while making the same mistakes the veterans are making.

No. 2 — Use the tragedy as an excuse to squander another season away by committing the same type of foolish penalties, turnovers and poor preperation that has plagued the team since Haslett’s arrival.

Does anyone really think the Dolphins have more talent than the Saints? Maybe defensively, but who doesn’t have more talent than the Saints’ defense — Georgia Tech?
Poor, poor San Antonio. Hope the Saints’ patheticness doesn’t rub off on the Spurs, like it did on the Hornets.

One thought on “Haslett, not hurricane, responsible for Saints’ patheticness”

  1. It’s very sad that the loss of Jay Bellamy for the season is a huge blow to the the Saints’ defense.

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