Kent Broke His Leg Again

Long live Kent.

The good news is that this will probably be the last time he breaks a leg in 2008. (God willing).

11 thoughts on “Kent Broke His Leg Again”

  1. Don’t bet on it, Brent….he is just like the Saints….plenty of time to break it again before the year’s end.

  2. Real bad this time. Dislocated ankle, which was twisted completely to the side in the wrong right angle. Fibula broken in two places. Tibia broken at the bottom.

    I slipped on some stairs at Dave’s baby shower and fell down 2 or three of them. When I landed, I saw my foot bent at the wrong angle, and I grabbed it and put it back into place. It fell back to where it was. I went into shock, and apparently passed out several times. Dave slapped me.

    The ER orthopedic docs had to perform an ankle reduction (aka straightening the thing out) while I was under conscious sedation. I was awake, but don’t remember a lot. I remember them pulling it and feeling the bones slide back together. I remember calling them liars because they told me I wouldn’t be awake. Apparently I also called them many other very bad things.

    They say I will need surgery to put the fibula back together, and to insert screws to brace the tibia and fibula together where the connective tissue between them has split apart. I’ll know more when I go to my orthopedist this week.

    I give up on life, the universe, and everything.

  3. Normally I’d take the piss and sympathise with Leslie for having to put up with you, but not this time. Sounds bad.

    I hope the surgery goes well, and I really hope you don’t get any lasting problems.

  4. Holy Crap, Kent. I hope everything goes well with the repair work, and maybe you should consider life in one of those well-padded, hermetically-sealed bubbles.

  5. Hmmm. Sounds to me like Karma getting back at whomever’s idea it was to have a dude baby shower. I bet it wasn’t even one of those “couples showers” all the metros have been doing lately. I bet it was an all dude baby shower. But gosh, that does sound really bad. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Did they at least give you some good drugs? Get some rest, my sweet darling.

  6. Kent’s surgery went fine. He has pins on one side of his ankle and a plate on the other side and they are all wired together in a beautiful package. The broken bones in his legs were put back into place without plates. Kent came home that same afternoon and because he had a nerve block, he did very well. The block lasted until midday the next day and then it was Katie Bar the Door. He does fine when his leg is up, but when he has to get up for the bathroom, it hurts like hell. He will be off his foot for 6 weeks and then it is physical therapy. All in all, Kent is doing very well.

    Thanks for all your prayers and concerns.

  7. Thanks for the update, Marnie. Glad the surgery went well. I do feel sorry for the poor sod.

    Kent, you heal up completely now, OK?

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