Report o f Opr. A.Z. I;.

omg. this is the OCR for the documents we are working on down at the Archives. It leaves a little to be desired.

Report o f Opr. A.Z. I;.
– – * 1 r e n o r t e a -. t o Xr. 3. G. jJyers 2.3 his off ice at 8: 00 A.L.
– – , . , all& t:ent over the -;lrorlr y~Zi;!l hi:;2. i;e Infome6 ~ll1-s -cn~.-; Yne emnlo;-ezs
of t h e nil1 hold m e e t i ~ g c 8.5 the Odl 2′elSo-z~ ,.IF-1′1 a% She corner o f
7′ :,,-ell% Loore r.36 3 e c c – L ~ ~ S%ree:s. , – – md looked over tlie si-iua.tioli vith
~,,ir. ‘itillims ail6 then returned t o the office at 10: 90 A.X. a i d . ??as
int-ro&uced t o Iir. ELsas, md rrc vent over t h e -.’rork vith hix. I left
A – .- bne office $0 leak for a ?lace t o l o ~ ~ % ~ the dietograph. I fo~snb a
room 2% 860 1-2 Deca.tur S t . , ::ent i r ? a d s2:r tlie r?,gent ?ad. r e n t e e
same f o r me month. Be nalztec t o ~ Q O W f o r what p u > o s e I m n t e d t o
use the rooms, and I t o l d I:i-iii t o r e p a i r e l e c t r i c motors an& general
xorkof that kind. It ms 3:OQ 2.12, before I could get t h e key, ~s
he vas o u t t o dinner. I v e n t back vith Xr. 7 T i l l i a . m e.nd just as we
g o t to Xoore S t , we SET bir. X i l e s and t-i!~o o t h e r men and a t a l l lady,
< - leaving the hall e ~ d locked -51e door. .Ie .then telephor,ciC f o r Icey, ;is soon z.:.s ';:E; ,got i u ~ i ; - e y~ent t o ~rorl': slid g o t our wire out of the meeting ro .xi ~.i16 stol;l;,ed tile vork on a c c o v ~ i t of a li17.efiail ~.iror:cil^;~ OO:.; a 2 o l e .- nearby, as :;:e &id. ~ l o t ~rant s o be detected. g o . ~ sor?.e 'uoxeo fro21 the :,<:ectric SG;? 1-y ;rofil-, a>– ~ n a has. tlzelil s e i ~ t t o the rooins, ao il t47,e agent
get^ t o rub;.: erilzg ~ i ~ o u 1 d i ill ~ E V – E the yirj.11~ 1×1 slcce ezrl~r in
inorning. –
I returnee t o the 3 o t e l et S:OC ?.::I. and, s e t dictogrn.?h . . over the door 1ee.umt; to .Tr. 1.Tiles room zlid .s?;e,iied. for t o r e t u r ~ l .

Weekend update

Beth came to town this weekend, so we actually went out for once. First was Dante’s Down the Hatch, a fondue jazz restaurant in a pirate ship. It’s true. Everything in the place was researched for three years by Dante himself. Best knickknack: photo of Billy Dee Williams in the pirate ship with white women hanging all over him.

Next up was Stone Mountain Park, the Confederate Mount Rushmore. Ah, what a celebration of Kennesaw claws, mullets, and rebel flags. Plus, it seemed like every fountain and curiosity would spit on passersby at random. Now that’s funny! Eek.