Louisiana will not tolerate your science (fiction) research!

Louisiana will NOT allow and Manbearpigs or Pigbearmen or Bearpigmen or Pigmanbears to be created.  Sorry to crush your dreams.

Human-animal hybrid ban sought at Louisiana session

BATON ROUGE — Legislation that would prohibit scientists in the state from creating human-animal hybrids for experimentation — believed to be the first such ban proposed in the nation — has been filed for debate at the lawmaking session that opens April 27.

Sen. Danny Martiny, R-Kenner, has filed Senate Bill 115 on behalf of the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Conference lobbyist Danny Loar said the bill is designed to be a “pre-emptive strike” against scientists who might want to mix “human and animal cells in a Petri dish for scientific research purposes. . . . It is becoming more of an issue globally.”

We should ban all time travel, teleportation, telekinesis, and resurrection research as well.  These things are an abomination.

Every now and then, I get a nice reminder that the good people of Louisiana are, in fact, idiots.  I should point out that this is just a proposed bill,  and surely it will not pass.

One thought on “Louisiana will not tolerate your science (fiction) research!”

  1. I’m pretty sure you can get every single one of those hybrid combos (and more) in upstate Alabama, and they didn’t have to do any fancy scientific work either.

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