It’s Art Dammit!

Leslie, John, Ileana, and I recently helped some friends make a film for Atlanta’s 50 Hour Film Fest.

Here’s the link: A Midtown Mile.  Supposedly there is some kind of online voting, but I don’t think it there really is, it’s jsut a rating sytem type thing.  It’s already been decided that we won’t make the cutoff to get shown on the big screen at the Atlanta Film Fest.

The best film is called “Wake Up Call.”  You tell me if it’s intentional or not.  I say it doesn’t matter.

If you are feeling good, make sure you watch “Rosa,” to immediately rid yourself of that feeling.

Here’s what I learned about film festivals, in particular these gonzo 50 or 48 hour film fests:

  1. The winners are already decided before the festival.  The screening was so full of inside jokes it was sickening.
  2. Some people take these things real seriously.
  3. It’s really hard to sustain an idea in a short film, even for 4 minutes.
  4. There’s a lot of bad art out there.

3 thoughts on “It’s Art Dammit!”

  1. I liked your film….did not care for Wake Up Call….that woman was on my last nerve. Why are your names spelled Wy instead of Woy?

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