In a competition for your life, what game do you choose?

What game are you best at? If your life depended on it and you didn’t know the other person’s abilities, what game would you choose to play?

Mine would be pool. Brent Koster’s—I assume—would be spinning a pillow on his finger. What would yours be?

11 thoughts on “In a competition for your life, what game do you choose?”

  1. I might actually pick shooting crumpled up pieces of paper in trash cans. I’ve been deadly at the office lately.

  2. Kent … you can’t pick your opponent, only the game.

    Brent … I fear for your life if that’s what you pick.

    What do you think Paul’s would be?

  3. Leslie … Is Dr. Mario like Mariocart? Because my college friend Don Hood was the greatest at Mariocart ever. He was also very good at stealing my girlfriend, knocking her up twice, marrying her and then divorcing her. That brings me to another subject, how many of my friends have made out or slept with one of my girlfriends? It’s a disturbing trend.

    Paul is not one of them, but I think he would best at getting ripped and vandalizing neighborhoods by falling into bushes and dumping over trash cans.

  4. No, I can’t play Mariocart – motion sickness. It’s like Tetris. I’m good at Tetris too, but better at Dr. Mario. At my friend’s college a long time ago, I took a bet I could beat this guy in Tetris. I won and he cried.

    I have not made out or slept with any of your girlfriends.

    I am also an excellent player of Slap Dash, but Bopper’s better.

  5. I will beat your ass right now at office wastbasket shooting. You shoot five, and I’ll shoot five. Winner gets Paul.

    I just shot. 5-5.

  6. Game: Gin, Opponent: Dave, FYI: Don’t be so sure about Paul.

    Hey, where’s the online Havemeyer show?

  7. You guye are stupid. Again, you cannot pick your opponent, only the game.

    Koster … I just made five in a row, shooting a wadded up paper towel into a shot glass.

  8. I guess that seeing as I’m currently the reigning international darts champion (Cricket), I’ll pick that. As long as I’m playing Kent. And I’m concussed. Then I’m good.

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